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Stay #RailSAFE this Rail Safety Week

Next week is Rail Safety Week (RSW), an annual community awareness week focused around engaging the community in safe rail practices. We are asking everyone to be vigilant when using light rail, to pay attention and take responsibility to ensure we all stay safe and have a great journey.

During RSW we are focusing on how you can stay safe and have a great journey on Canberra’s light rail services, all year round. Canberra Metro Operations (CMET) and Transport Canberra are continually committed to providing passengers with a safe travel environment. We need your help to ensure everyone stays safe when using light rail.

Pay attention, take responsibility and be #RailSAFE.

Remember to be SAFE:

S – stay off the tracks

  • When getting off a light rail vehicle and crossing the tracks, do so only on green pedestrian signal, as you may not see a Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) coming in the opposite direction.

A – avoid distractions

  • Pedestrians to be alert to your surroundings, limit distractions such as mobile phones and headphones when walking around or across light rail tracks.

F – follow instructions

  • Stand behind the yellow line on the platform at all times.

E – encourage others to be SAFE

  • If you are concerned about your safety or the safety of others, please use the Emergency Help Point (EHP) on platforms and on-board LRVs to contact staff.


Being alert, paying attention and taking responsibility when you travel on light rail means a great, safe journey for everyone.


Take the pledge to be #RailSAFE this Rail Safety Week and join in the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

Read more about rail safety or take the pledge to be #RailSAFE at the Track Safe Foundation website.


Rail Safety Week runs from 10-16 August 2020.


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