For one week every year in August, a major spotlight is placed on rail safety in the community via the public awareness campaign Rail Safety Week, (RSW). Coordinated by organisations across Australia and New Zealand and supported by the TrackSAFE Foundation, the aim of RSW is to highlight the importance of being safe and acting responsibly on, and around the rail network. The 19th annual RSW will be held 5-11 August 2024.
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Social Media
This week is Rail Safety Week & we are joining @CanberraMetroLightRail in raising the importance of safety on and around the light rail. Find out more about staying #RailSAFE at
A moment of distraction can change your life forever.
This year we are asking you to STOP ON RED, It’s not a suggestion.
E-news/Newsletter Content
This week is Rail Safety Week. [insert your organisation’s name] has joined Canberra Metro Operations, the ACT Government and key community groups to raise awareness around the issue of safety around light rail in Canberra for Rail Safety Week.
This year we are urging all Canberrans to stay #RailSAFE.
A moment of distraction can change your life forever.
- Turn down distractions. Take off your headphones.
- Look Up when around light rail tracks.
- Stand behind the yellow line.
- Hold onto handrails.
STOP ON RED, it’s not a suggestion.
Follow @CanberraMetroLightRail on Facebook & Instagram to find out more about staying #StayRailSafe
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